

THE (Times Higher Ed) Campus Live Event co-hosted by De La Salle University in November

The THE Campus Live Event brings together higher education leaders, outstanding industry partners, and policy experts to discuss how higher education can be a tool for economic and social transformation. Speakers from across the SE Asia region and beyond examine higher education’s transformative role in empowering people from different sectors of society and ensuring sustainability in such challenging times.

Agenda themes include:
: The future of skills and employability
: Institutional planning, governance and performance
: Transformative and equitable teaching and learning

The event will take place from 22 to 23 November 2023 at De La Salle University and will feature speakers from several UMAP member institutions.

For more information and to register, visit:

Super early bird registration available until September 29, 2023!


Summer Institute on International Education, Japan (SIIEJ) special events registration now open!

The SIIEJ2023 will be held in Sendai at Tohoku University on July 20-21, 2023. Three special event sessions will be held online with simultaneous translation via ZOOM.  Registration is free but required by 12:00 Monday July 17 (JST).

– Opening Event (13:00-14:00 JST, Thursday, July 20)

– Special Session I (14:00-16:00 JST, Thursday, July 20)

– Special Session II (13:00-15:00 JST, Friday, July 21)


UMAP Thailand Micro-Credential program, Phase 3

King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) is pleased to announce the Thailand UMAP Micro Credential program Phase 3 which is aimed to fulfil the needs of learners who seek to upskill and reskill, develop needed specific competencies, or lifelong learning. 

The application deadline is  14 July 2023 at 1:00 pm. (GMT+7, Bangkok, Thailand).  There is no cost to participate for UMAP member institution students.   Apply here:


Online Exchange Program (OEP), call for participation Fall 2023

Toyo University, Japan, as Secretariat for the Online Exchange Program (OEP) is pleased to announce the call for participation for the Fall 2023 virtual education program.  

Each participating institution is asked to offer one to five courses for the OEP. For the fall 2023 semester, participating institutions are asked to select courses related to the SDGs or environmental issues. There is no need to create new academic courses.

These are the guidelines for the program:

1. Courses available through OEP are preferably live online academic courses that offer opportunities for student interaction. The course topic of the OEP programs should be related to SDGs or environmental issues.

2. Each faculty/department/institution offering courses through OEP is recommended to offer one to five courses and at least two seats per course to exchange students. Each faculty/department/institution can then send the same number of students to other participating institutions. With the permission of the host university, it is possible to send a number of students that exceeds the home institutions’ capacity to receive OEP students. The tuition fee should be waived.

3. Students can apply for up to four courses and enroll in up to two at the same time from the course list offered by participating universities. This condition aims to increase the number of participants in OEP courses and provide students with as many opportunities as possible to participate.

4. As a general rule, students are not permitted to cancel or withdraw from a course for which they have been accepted. If a student cancels because of force majeure, contingent reasons, or personal reasons, the student is required to inform the persons in charge at the host institution, as well as the OEP secretariat (Toyo University) through the student’s home university/institution.

5. After the completion of the semester, host institutions are required to report to the OEP Secretariat at Toyo University on the completion status of the participating students (including UCTS credit conversion). Host institutions are requested to provide the same kind of transcript of records that they issue regularly to exchange students. Students and home coordinators will convert the credits to UCTS. For information about UCTS, please refer to:

To participate in the OEP, complete the Outline of Proposal Form and return it to Toyo University by June 23, 2023.

Students may apply from July 10-July 24, 2023.  Students submit applications through home institution coordinators, who will communicate via email with participating institutions.  This program is not based in the USCO system.  

For more details, please visit:


UMAP Laos looking for partners in Health Sciences

The Sengsavanh Institute of Business, Vientiane, Laos, is looking for Health and Sciences partner institutions and universities across the globe to develop academic partnerships in our newly developed campus, SIB International Education Hub.  Please contact the Laos National Secretariat for more information.


Winter Discovery Camp, Indonesia: video

Check out the new promotional video from the UMAP Indonesia Winter Discovery Camp!

Deadline:  December 16, 2022

Apply Now:


Kansai University J-MCP Winter 2023 Programs, deadline extended

Kansai University IIGE is pleased to announce the Winter 2023 J-MCP Programs for students from UMAP-affiliated institutions to take part in  from February 2 – March 8, 2023.

The application deadline has been extended to January 10, 2023, 12:00PM JST.

Apply through USCO2:

For complete details, please carefully review the flyer and CFP: 21st Century Skills ( SDGs&Business: Web3 (

Main Program Dates:

February 6 – February 24, 2023, final presentations: March 8 (21st Century Skills);

2 February –  25 February, 2023 (SDGs & Business: Web3)

Pre- and post-program tasks: Within one week prior to and after the main program *On-demand


21st Century Skills: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays (10:00 am – 11:30 am JST)

SDGs & Business Web3: LIVE program hours will be between 8:00 am – 12:00 pm (JST) on the following dates: February 2, February 3, February 6, February 7, February 9, February 10,  February 13, February 14, February 16, February 17, February 20, February 21, February 23, February 24, and February 25, 2023


Please email, attn IIGE Secretariat

clearly indicating in the subject line that your inquiry relates to “J-MCP Winter 2023 Programs”


Discovery Camp India 2023- Information Session

UMAP member institutions are welcomed to join the Discovery Camp India 2023 Virtual Information Session hosted by Kalinga Institute of Industrial technology and Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences.

Thursday Nov 17, 19:30 (Vancouver), 21:30 (Mexico City) / Friday Nov 18, 09:00 (New Delhi), 10:30 (Jakarta, Hanoi), 11:30 (Manila), 12:30 (Tokyo)

 In this session they will be providing information about the program content, visa formalities, application process etc. It is a good opportunity for all the students planning to participate to get a better understanding of the program.

Meeting ID: 876 4451 7478

Passcode: mT0bnk



Winter Discovery Camp, Kyrgyzstan

Discover Kyrgyzstan – the country of Heavenly Mountains, with I Arabaev Kyrgyz State University. The winter camp program provides for 10 thematic days – students will be presented with exciting programs on the history of Kyrgyzstan, on the role and rights of Kyrgyz women in ancient and modern society, on art and traditions through their philosophical understanding, on the potential of Kyrgyzstan in the field of tourism, in a cyclical economy (world experience and implementation in everyday life), in the field of education and partnership; about innovative technologies in handicraft and construction.

The program will consist of mini-lectures from doctors of sciences and professors, guests from government departments, embassies, famous personalities, video presentations, discussions, master classes, case studies / subgroup work, homework, site visits, theatrical performances, concert programs, trips to picturesque places of the country and cultural centers of the capital. The program will address UN Sustainable Development Goals: 4,5,6,7,8,9,12, and 17.

Click here to apply!