University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP) is a consortium of Higher Education Institutions and partners, collaborating to increase opportunities for study abroad across the Asia Pacific region through a variety of short and long-term in-person and virtual exchange programs, as well as Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) experiences.

The 25 members represent countries in and around Central Asia, South Asia, and the Pacific Rim, including East and Southeast Asia, Australia, and North, Central and South America. Since UMAP’s founding in 1991, membership across the region has grown steadily.

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Featured Member Country

UMAP currently has 25 member countries/territories in its membership.

Canadian flag Canada

Hello! Bonjour!

National Secretariat organization/institution
British Columbia Council for International Education (BCCIE)

Number of members
View all UMAP institutions from this country

Did you know…?
Canada has 2 official languages, French and English. Across Canada, you’ll hear many other languages being spoken too. In fact, more than 200 languages from around the world including 60 Indigenous languages are spoken.

Featured Program

UMAP offers a variety of study abroad programs, including semester-long exchanges, short-term programs, and virtual experiences.

TOYO University Winter Program 2025 Toyo Winter Program 2025

Host Institution
Toyo University

Host Country


Toyo Winter Program provides students with Japanese language for beginners and cultural classes, field visits in/around Tokyo, interactive classes with Toyo students. This program includes various winter seasonal activities that ordinary travelers cannot experience. 


Application deadline

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