

International Conference on Business, Economics and Finance (ICBEF)

Registration for participation is now open!

International Conference on Business, Economics and Finance (ICBEF)
Theme: Change, Challenges and Opportunities: Strategies for a Sustainable Future in Asia
23-24 August 2017
Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Brunei Darussalam

Change, Challenges and Opportunities: Strategies for a Sustainable Future in Asia nge, Challenges and Opportunities: Strategies for a Sustainable Future in Asia


We look forward to your participation in ICBEF and hope to see you! Best wishes,

Professor Ahmed M. Khalid

Conference Chair


UNIVERSITI BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Jalan Tungku Link, BE1410, Brunei Darussalam Telephone: +673 2460922 EXT : 1102 / 1104 / 1105 Fax: +673 2463017




SEAMEO Internship Programme for Students

Dear Deans/Principals/Directors/Lecturers,


SEAMEO Internship Programme for Students


The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) is a chartered intergovernmental organization established in 1965 among governments of Southeast Asian countries to promote regional cooperation in education, science and culture in the region. SEAMEO develops and nurtures the capacities of teachers and school managers in Southeast Asia through its network of 21 specialist Centres that undertake training and research programme in various fields of education, science and culture.

In order to provide excellent chance for a directed learning experience in regional and international platform for the students through practical work assignments at our SEAMEO Centres and the SEAMEO Secretariat, SEAMEO has launched “SEAMEO Internship Programme for Students” with an aim to nurture young people and to better prepare them for an increasingly globalized world.

We would appreciate it if you could please help promote the SEAMEO Internship Programme to your students.  For further detailed information and conditions on the Internship Programme, please visit SEAMEO Internship website at  For the students who are interested in participating in this programme, please register and fill in the application form at within 30 June 2017.

Thank you very much for your kind consideration and support.

Yours sincerely,
Gatot Hari Priowirjanto Director


University of Mindanao holds 1st Mindanao-wide Conference on Internationalization and UMAP Orientation

The University of Mindanao had successfully conducted a one-day conference on internationalizing higher education institutions and UMAP orientation last October 12, thereby educating participating school officials about the nature and ropes of internationalization in academic institutions.
Read more…


Hanyang University is newly launching a winter program

Dear all UMAP members,

Hanyang University is newly launching a winter program called “Hanyang International Winter School (HIWS) from this December.


HIWS has two sessions for each two weeks as the following schedule.

・Session1 : December 23rd, 2016 – January 7th, 2017

・Session2: Janurary 10th, 2017 – January 25th, 2017


The courses offered at HIWS cover various fields of study such as Business and Economics, Engineering, Communication and Korean Studies. Credits can be transferred back to your home university

Besides academic courses, HIWS organizes various activities that makes students explore Korea and Korean cultures. The best way to experience Korea during winter is Hanyang International Winter School!

More information can be found at in the leaflet attached. 
You can also find information on the official facebook page.  (

thumbnail of hiws_2016-2017_flyer