UMAP-COIL Joint Honors Program

What is the UMAP-COIL Joint Honors Program?
In the first years of the program, up to 25 students were invited to participate in a two-week Peace Boat cruise in the Asia-Pacific region. The boat departed from Osaka, making stops at various ports for a half-day of field work, as well as university visits in Japan, South Korea, and Russia. The cruise was enhanced utilizing the COIL-style educational method, which was implemented as a part of the program adopted in the 2018-2022 fiscal year Inter-University Exchange Project by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Students from Japan and the U.S. took part in COIL virtual lectures from experts from both countries. Additionally, teams of students worked together to generate a presentation promoting the local areas they visited for inbound/tourists from overseas to be broadcast virtually to interested universities in the last week of the program.
What is COIL?
COIL stands for “Collaborative Online International Learning” a form of teaching which uses Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to connect students in different countries so that they can participate together in projects designed to boost their understanding of various fields or to help them acquire specific skills. Focus is placed upon the students and their collaboration with one another, i.e. encouraging them to take a proactive and participative role in their education.
Program Contents 2021
Program Details 2021
Past Programs