08-Aug-2020 SIIEJ 2020 – The Impact of COVID-19 and the Future of International Education
“The Impact of COVID-19 and the Future of International Education”
September 2–4, 2020 | Kansai University, Osaka, Japan
All the events will be coordinated by online settings.
The internationalization of universities has become a central topic for our society. However, the fostering of globally-minded talent, international student recruitment and admissions, internationalization of the campus environment and curriculum, and analysis of study abroad program outcomes have all stalled in recent years. As the COVID-19 pandemic has created a critical juncture in international education, it is now all the more important that we train and support the faculty and mid-level staff tasked with moving this work forward. Therefore, we are holding various workshops and sessions for the staff members and faculty who underpin university internationalization. This project is organized by the Research Consortium for the Sustainable Promotion of International Education (RECSIE) and held in cooperation with Kansai University IIGE (Institute for Innovative Global Education) and Toyo University.
We look forward to seeing you in Japan this summer.
Keynote Speaker: Fiona Hunter
Fiona Hunter is Associate Director at the Centre for Higher Education Internationalisation (CHEI) at the Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, Italy, and works as a consultant, trainer, and researcher with a focus on strategic change. She is also a member of the International Advisory Board at the Universidad de Granada, Spain, member of the Scientific Council of AVEPRO (Holy See’s Agency for the Evaluation and Promotion of Quality in Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties), and Co-Editor of the Journal of Studies for International Education. Fiona is an EAIE Past President.
Keynote Speaker: Kuniaki Sato 佐藤 邦明
Director, Office for International Planning,
Higher Education Bureau – Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
文部科学省 高等教育局 国際企画室長
Keynote Speaker: Chikara Funabashi 船橋 力
Project Director, Public-Private Joint Project for Overseas Education Promotion MEXT
文部科学省 官民協働海外留学創出プロジェクト
トビタテ!留学JAPAN プロジェクトディレクター
Contact: Research Consortium for the Sustainable Promotion of International Education (RECSIE) recsie@recsie.or.jp