The ‘new normal’ brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic has unexpectedly created both challenges and opportunities in the way universities deliver teaching and learning to their students, beyond the traditional four walls of the classroom. Universities must continue to ensure that learning objectives and outcomes are achieved, or even surpassed, despite sudden mechanism changes in the methods and modes of teaching and learning, which include student evaluations and assessments. Rapid adjustments and adaptations to infrastructure and issues of access to technology aside, evolving innovative and effective pedagogies are crucial to this endeavour. It is therefore important for educators to re-think and re-design pedagogies to focus on learning flexibility, online learning, study management, technology, classroom learning and online interaction to meet the challenges faced in the current and post COVID-19 pandemic era. The invited speakers in this webinar will highlight the experiences of their higher education institutions in achieving this whilst also posing realistic and relevant questions for the future.
(via Zoom Platform)