
04-Jun-2021  APAIE 2022: Registration and Call for Abstracts Now Open

The Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) 2022 annual conference will take place in Vancouver, BC March 27-31, 2022.  Registration and Call for Abstracts are now open.  The deadline to submit a session abstract is August 6, 2021.  Successful proposals will have a connection to both the conference theme and a selected sub-theme.   More information is available from the APAIE website.  

Conference Theme: Brave New Realities for Higher Education in the Asia Pacific

Conference Sub-Themes:

  • Recovery, Transformation and International Higher Education
  • Multilateralism, Regional Cooperation and Other Next-Generation Collaboration
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in International Education
  • Interculturalism: Engagement of Diaspora, Indigenous and Newcomer Communities in International Education
  • Sustainable Development Goals and the Student Experience