
07-Feb-2020  UMAP SSTP (Super Short-Term Program: Program C) Scholarship Opportunity

UMAP is pleased to announce that it is providing the UMAP SSTP Scholarship to 2020 Program C participants who belong to one of the universities listed below. The 500 U.S. dollar grant (or equivalent in local currency) will be paid through each recipient’s home institution/university.

Eligible students are:

  1. Students who are currently enrolled in institutions/universities that have an allocation of the SSTP Scholarship.
  2. Selected at the discretion of their home institution/university.
  3. Required to complete one of the programs that UMAP registered as Program C. The scholarship is disbursed when the students return to their home universities.
  4. Required to submit a study report through the UMAP Student Connection Online (USCO) System within a week of completing Program C.
  5. Asked to sign a receipt in exchange for the scholarship, and their home universities’ coordinators need to submit the PDF data to UMAP IS.


For the list of institutions/universities that have an allocation of the scholarship, please refer to this link.